Battery Management System
Battery Health Monioring System
Battery Health monitoring system merely observe batteries as they are functioning. This is utilized by people for ongoing monitoring and display parameters like voltage, current and temperature especially in critical domains such as backup power systems, telecommunications, data centers, and utility substations.
Motor Controller
Developed for EVs, domestic and industrial motors, Sosaley’s motor controllers deliver advanced management, GPS, remote control, cloud link, and alerts.
Sosaley Technologies introduces handheld compact, battery operated full medical-grade ECG system. Healthcare division also developed an AED and has executed many customer healthcare products.
Product Philosophy
100% Made in India
Products that are designed for Indian ambient conditions and vehicle maintenance behaviour. Every product comes with a smart design, a warranty, and post-sales support.
Sosaley's products are a perfect blend of cost-effectiveness and unwavering quality. Designed to meet your needs without compromising reliability, this exceptional offering redefines value for money.
Customizable Solutions
Our team of experts are fully equipped to customize, integrate, and deliver products that align with the specific needs of our customers.